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Olympic Trials, 2005
Pre-Olympics, 2006
Opening Ceremonies, Torino 2006
The Silver Ladies' Celebration
Flou's 500m Silver
5000m Relay Final
5000m Relay Celebration
On the 5000m Podium
Olympics / Olympiques 2002
Nagano Olympics, 1998
500m Qualifier & Quarter-Final
500m Final
500m Celebration
500m Podium
5000m Celebration
# 1, 2002 - Chuncheon, Korea
# 2, 2002 - Beijing, China
# 3, 2003 - St. Petersburg, Russia
# 4, 2002 - Bormio, Italy
# 5, 2003 - Salt Lake City, USA
# 6, 2003 - Chicoutimi, Canada
# 1, 2003 - Calgary, Canada
#2 - 2003 Marquette, USA
# 3, 2004 - Madison, USA
# 4, 2004 - Saguenay Canada
# 2, 2005 - Chuncheon, Korea
# 3, 2005 - Bormio, Italy
#4, 2005 - The Hague, Netherlands
2003 - Sofia, Bulgaria
2004 - St. Petersburg, Russia
2005 - Chuncheon, Korea
World Championships 2004
World Championships 2005
Oh, Baby!
Just For Fun / Seulement pour l'amusement
Cuban Vacation 2004 / Vacances en Cuba 2004
Raw Culinary Arts
Puppy Yuko