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Ethan Tweedie |
Rusty Smith, Marc Gagnon, Feng Kei and Jonathan Guilmette come out of the 2nd corner. |
Ethan Tweedie |
Jonathan passes Kei and moves into 3rd place (he's at the bottom of the shot). |
Photo Courtesy of |
In 3rd place, Jonathan gives it all he's got, maintaining his position and technique. |
Corbis - AFP / Timothy A. Clary |
Gagnon and Guilmette skate in 2nd & 3rd place ½ way through the race - Smith in 1st, not pictured. |
Ethan Tweedie |
Smith, Gagnon, Guilmette, Feng, all skate hard to win. |
Photo Courtesy of |
Marc sets up a pass, as Jonathan holds a tight corner, keeping Kei from passing. |
Getty Images / Mike Powell |
A tiny slip from Rusty, and Marc takes the opening. Jonathan stays right on their heels. |
With ½ a lap to go and a burst of speed, Gagnon grabs the lead, with Jo close behind. |
Corbis / Kimimasa Mayama |
At the line, Jonathan extends his leg and gets his blade tip across .033 seconds before Rusty. |
Smith shrugs at his bronze, Feng Kei congratulates Jo, and Marc &
Jonathan realize they've won gold & silver!!
500m Celebration
500m Qualifier & Quarter-Final
500m Semi-Final
500m Podium
Olympics / Olympiques '02