Wednesday, May 26th, 2004
We've got a new site friend. Her name is Cristal, and she has started a beautiful, nay, GORGEOUS fanlisting for Jonathan!
Click this link here if you'd like to join:
Jonathan Guilmette, Canada's Own
When you add your name to the fanlist by using the
"Join" button, please be patient. Your name will not show up right away (I was worried at first, but I read and followed
the rules and did NOT press "Join" more than once). Give it 24 hours like I did, and your name will show up there.
The link has been added to the "Cool Links" page here,
and I'd like to give a big thanks to Cristal for making this great listing.
It's wonderful to see another site out there for Jonathan!! Show your support for her new site and for Jo, and add your
names to the list today! (And tell your friends about it, too.)
CUBA JOURNAL & PHOTO ALBUM Monday, May 24, 2004
Good news, folks! Jonathan is up and around and has not missed out on all of
his vacation time, after all. He and his girlfriend, (fellow Canadian National Team member and short tracker, Amélie
Goulet-Nadon) recently spent a week in Cuba, soaked up a lot of sun and just relaxed. Jonathan wrote about it in his
journal and sent photos of both of them from his trip. To read the journal entry, click on the "Jo's Journal / Le journal
de Jo" button to the left, then click on the "May / Mai 2004" link on that page. One of the photos he sent accompanies
the journal entry.
To see the entire photo album from his trip, click on the "Photo Gallery / Galerie de Photos" link
to the left, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the "On Vacation / Vacances"
link there.
Photo Submitted by Jonathan Guilmette |
Jonathan sits on his moped and looks out at the waters of a Cuban beach. |
Sunday, May 23, 2004
The contest for a 5x7 photograph of Jonathan
skating in the 2002 Olympics (autographed by Jo to you in your name) is coming to a close one week from today. The deadline
to get your answers in is Sunday, May 30, 2004 at 11:59 p.m., Pacific Time. The winner will be chosen on Monday, May
31st, 2004. To join the contest, click on the Contests/Concours
button and answer the 3 trivia questions on that page. (All answers are on the website). Then send your answers
to, and the winner will be chosen from all qualifying entries
(those entries which have all 3 correct answers). Good luck to all, and stay tuned for some all-new, AMAZING contests
and prizes, coming soon!
Saturday, May 15th, 2004
You've got questions? He's got answers!
The post-season interview with Jonathan is now up and ready for viewing; however, due to the large number of questions
submitted as well as his limited time to answer them during recovery, not all questions asked were answered. Since everyone
who sent questions was very respectful in their line of questioning (thank you!), all questions were submitted. But if
you don't see your question(s) in this interview, take heart. They will be resubmitted for the winter interview
around December. Jonathan has given a stellar interview, (he talks about how the World Cup injury has affected
him physically and if he will skate again) and it can be found on the Interviews / Entrevues page (click on the
"Down, But Not Out" link on that page). Enjoy!